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guided journey


Access to the entire library is included when you become a monthly ⚡️COSMIC CONNECTION💫 member

check-in to check out our badass, integrative library for holistic development and wellbeing; unlock a world of transformative resources tailored to fuel your growth journey!

Surviving Your Quarter Life Crisis, Saturn Return and Beyond 


Navigate the challenges of your quarter life crisis, Saturn return, and beyond with our complimentary guide, "Surviving Your Quarter Life Crisis, Saturn Return and Beyond." This invaluable resource comes packed with a Survival Skills Cheat Sheet, providing you with essential tools to tackle each day with confidence. Dive into our Daily Morning Planning Page, designed to set you up for success and intention each day. Wind down with the Daily Evening Reflection Page, a powerful tool to process your experiences and foster growth. Embrace this guide as your compass on the transformative journey through your twenties and beyond, and seize the opportunity to navigate life's transitions with resilience and purpose.

Take Me There

Chill The F%&K OUT


For when you just need a minute (or 30).

Unveil your inner Zen master with "The Chill The F*ck Out Guide." This sassy yet soothing guide equips you with a checklist to dial down stress in moments when your boundary isn’t being respected, they’re not texting back and you want to quit your job and move to another country. Let’s go on a sensory voyage to craft your sacred space. And while we’re there, why not try a beginner-friendly breathwork practice that'll have you exhaling your worries like a pro (even if meditation isn’t your thing)?Get ready to unwind, recharge, and embrace those good vibes, because (you’re gonna need it and) chilling the F* out has never been this good. 

I'm Ready To Chill

7-Day Holistic Self Care Challenge


Elevate your well-being with the transformative "7 Days of Holistic Self Care" ebook. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing through an insightful introduction to holistic self care and the chakras. Our comprehensive quiz will pinpoint energy imbalances and guide you toward greater alignment. Unveil the power of each of the 7 major energy centers with our detailed cheat sheets, while over 50 affirmations and self-care practices await to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.

Included in your access is a 20-minute complimentary somatic coaching call with Staci to get you going. Together you will shape your personalized holistic self care plan, and 7 days of email support from Staci will accompany you on your empowering venture. Supercharge your experience further with an optional add-on, featuring yoga, breathwork, meditation, or mindfulness practices, alongside a 30-minute check-in with Staci to address your unique chakra needs. Ignite your holistic self-care journey and rediscover the balanced and uplifted you.


How to: Make an Emotional Regulation Playlist


Elevate your emotional well-being with the "How to Create an Emotional Regulation Playlist" guide. This step-by-step guide walks you through crafting a personalized playlist that can soothe your emotions and uplift your spirit. Delve into an example playlist for inspiration and get ready to curate your own. Engage with thought-provoking prompts for reflection, allowing you to deepen your connection with music as a tool for emotional healing. To take your playlist creation journey to the next level, consider the optional coaching call with Jess for personalized guidance and insights. Transform your relationship with music into a powerful tool for emotional regulation and self-care.


Dating With Intention


Navigate the dating scene with purpose and clarity using the "Dating with Intention" workbook. This comprehensive guide includes thought-provoking prompts to delve into your relationship history, family dynamics, and your own desires in the dating realm. Unearth the qualities of your ideal partner, ace post-date reflections, and boost your dating confidence with empowering affirmations. As an added bonus, you can opt for a coaching call with Jess for that personalized touch, making your journey towards intentional connections even more rewarding!


Exploring Your Parts


Embark on a journey of self-discovery with the "Exploring Your Parts" workbook. This transformative guide helps you label and understand the various facets of yourself through practical exercises. Engage in deep self-reflection, exploring the stories and experiences that have shaped these parts. Identify your needs and aspirations with insightful prompts. For a more profound exploration, consider the optional coaching call with Jess. Delve into the core of your being and embrace a more holistic understanding of yourself.


Healing Heartbreak


Navigate the path of healing after heartbreak with the "Healing Heartbreak" workbook. This comprehensive guide equips you with an emergency escape plan to mend your broken heart. Engage in self-reflection and relationship analysis through thought-provoking prompts, while mastering effective coping skills for tough moments. Uplifting heartbreak affirmations will remind you of your strength. To take your healing journey to the next level, opt for a coaching call with Jess for a more personalized exploration of the process.


A Guide To Psychedelic Integration


Embark on a transformative journey of integration with the "Guide to Psychedelic Integration." This comprehensive guide provides a safe space to reflect on your psychedelic experiences and navigate their impact on your life. Engage in introspective journal prompts designed for effective integration. Receive valuable after-care instructions to ensure a smooth transition. For a deeper and more personalized integration process, consider the optional coaching call with Jess. Step into a space of healing and growth as you navigate the complexities of your psychedelic journey.



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